Since Popes has been doing so great with the first stage on the toilet, we figured it was time to move up to the AMBER stage! As you can see from the picture, there's quite a big hole in it. The DVD we watched informed us that Popes would be very interested in the hold and may even stick her head and paws through in order to investigate the water. And that she did:
NOW not only was she eating her litter, but she was drinking the water from the toilet as well!
We patiently waited for her to use this litter box with the giant hole in it, I mean, that's how she must have felt about it... so we waited.... and waited..... and waited. .... Nothing. After 24 hours, I started to get worried. I know she doesn't poop every day (once a day or less) but she hadn't peed either!! We tried to encourage her. We sat with her in the bathroom, gave her a treat while she was sitting on it, petted her, and talked to her. Still, she did nothing but look in the hole and sit on the edge. It's as if she was saying "You expect me to what now?"
Popes was not having it. I was getting worried about her more and more as time passed. When I went to bed last night, it had been around 34 hours and still she hadn't gone. Adam was determined not to switch back to the red stage, so he sat in there with her for quite some time. She didn't end up going, but she sure did cry a lot! I think at one point her whine woke me up. Adam told me he put the red stage back on the toilet. I asked if she used it and he said yep! This morning when I got up, I saw that she had used it a lot (still back on the red stage) so I guess that's how it's going to stay for a little while longer. Amber stage try number 1: fail.
SO now we are on our way out of town for a couple days, but this isn't over! I've read on the litter kwitter forums tips on transitioning to the amber stage. There's this. (Just scroll to the bottom where all the pictures are.) I think we should try it because it'll be less drastic... so gradual that maybe Popes won't even notice! Haha... yeah right.
But that's the next step for the Gaspars.
'Til then.