Monday, October 10, 2011

Amber stage take 2

  Alright! We're trying this again. First tho, arts and crafts:

Now I've switched out the red for amber. The hole is much smaller this time!

Cardboard box under there.... but we're going to cover it up with litter... don't tell Popes!!

I am hoping this works. So far, all she has done is eat the litter. Big surprise. I just pray that she uses it this time instead of holding it for hours!

First reactions:
*sigh* I know she knows it's different, but I hope she doesn't think it's too drastic of a change this time. I know she wants to be a good girl... she's just stubborn! :)

And just look at this overachiever:

Man, once she gets over the fact that there's a hole... she's going to be so great at balancing!!

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